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Acne medication offers new treatmnet for multiple sclerosis

Not only acne: a drug used for the skin could also have positive effects against multiple sclerosis. Phase 3 of a clinical trial of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute showed the benefits of minocycline against multiple sclerosis. The discovery offers the possibility for a new "low-cost" treatment against the disease.

One of the main elements of sclerosis is inflammation of the central nervous system, leading to the destruction of myelin. Minocycline is an active ingredient used to treat acne, with many anti-inflammatory properties. Neuroscientist V. Wee Yong then tested minocycline on animal models with the disease. The first tests, dating back to 18 years ago, have been successful.

After success on animal models, the researcher formed his own team and continued with the trials. Today he came to Phase 3, involving 142 patients aged 18 to 60 who had multiple sclerosis. At the beginning of the trial, subjects were passing through the early symptoms of the disease. Each of them received 100 mg of minocycline daily or a placebo. During the 6 months of treatment, there was a 27.6% reduction in disease development.

The results obtained with minocycline are comparable to those obtained with traditional treatments. The main difference lies in the cost. Minocycline is also accessible to lower income bands. This means that you can also take care of those who are economically disadvantaged.


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Endometriosis: causes and symptoms

Endometriosis affects about 10-20% of women of childbearing age, predominantly between 25 and 35 years. The disease affects the endometrial tissue, which under normal conditions develops in the uterine cavity. In women suffering from the disease, the tissue develops in other places.

Endometriosis can affect the ovaries, the pelvic peritoneum or other organs, such as the bladder and the intestines. The pathology involves the formation of cysts containing menstrual blood, produced by endometrial cells. It is not yet clear why this happens. It is theorized that during menstruation the blood passes from the uterus to the other pelvic organs. In doing so, it would carry endometrial cells that would develop out of their seat. Other scientists hypothesize a genetic predisposition to the development of the disease.

The symptoms of endometriosis are often silent and diagnosis occurs during routine checks. Other times, the disease manifests itself with disabling symptoms. Women in this second case have painful menstruation and sexual relations, they have an irregular cycle and are often sterile.

However, the association between endometriosis and infertility is still unclear. It is thought that the sterility of those suffering from endometriosis is largely related to mechanical factors. The pelvic organs have abnormalities and adherence that alter the connections between the tubes and the ovaries. Endometrial cysts also interfere with normal ovulation and implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

In the diagnosis of endometriosis, anamnesis is critical. Cases of chronic pelvic pain, pain during sexual act and menstrual irregularity are in fact alarm bells. After the medical history, the vaginal septal, uterine cervix and vaginal veins are examined. Finally, the ultrasound examination allows to identify any cysts and anomalies in the internal organs. In the most dubious cases, laparoscopy can be carried out, which involves the introduction of a probe into the navel.

The treatments change according to the severity of the disease. In milder cases, the doctor simply keeps the patient under control. In the most serious cases, surgery and hormone therapy are needed. Existing therapies, however, only need to keep the symptoms under control. They improve the quality of life of the patient, but they do not eliminate the disease.

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Space mice: first animals born from sperm stored in space

A Japanese team sent sperm dehydrated mice to the International Space Station. After 9 months, he used them to fertilize some eggs by getting a litter in perfect health. Mice do not show genetic abnormalities or major illnesses, which are far from obvious. Space is in fact full of radiation, which could damage the reproductive system of animals and humans.

The researchers dehydrated and frozen mouse sperm samples, then dispatched them into space for 288 days. This happened between August 2013 and May 2014. The samples then returned and the researchers compared them with sperm stored in similar conditions but on the ground. Spatial spermatopses showed a comprehensible number of major DNA damage damages.

The authors of the study used sperm in the two groups for in vitro fertilization. The embryos thus obtained were implanted in some females to complete their pregnancy. The birth rates of the two groups were similar. The researchers then performed DNA analysis on the small ones: spores born from sperm spatial revealed minimal differences. Once adults, the mice created no problems and their little ones were healthy.

The findings indicate that DNA damage in the sperm was fixed during fertilization, almost without trace. The application is, however, for the moment fantascientific: the study aims in fact to analyze the possible consequences of a colonization in space.


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Low-dose aspirin in pregnancy for the prevention of preeclampsia

Pregnant women should be very careful with taking medication and always consult your doctor. This principle also applies to a discovery made by a group of Canadian researchers. A Laval University team analyzed the effects of aspirin during pregnancy. He has thus found that in small doses prevents preeclampsia and anomalies in fetal weight.

Preeclampsia is a multisistemic disorder that causes anomalies in placenta formation and functions. The mother increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease such as chronic hypertension and stroke. In addition, along with a low birth weight, it is one of the main dangers to the child's health. Children born to mothers with preeclampsia are more likely to have stroke and coronary arthritis when adults.

The researchers started from earlier studies to find new possible treatments for the disorder. They have analyzed 45 studies, for a total of 20,909 pregnant women. They focused on subjects who claimed to have taken aspirin during pregnancy, also taking the dosage. They therefore sought a correlation between reducing risk of preeclampsia and taking aspirin during pregnancy. They also looked for optimal dosage to get the best effects.

Part of the women had received aspirin, part of a placebo, and a third part had received nothing. The researchers divided the cases according to the dosage and the period during which puerpers had begun taking. The first group included women who had started before the 16th week, the second after 16th.

The group who started treatment before the 16th week showed a lower rate of preeclampsia. Even the weight of children at birth was on average higher than those who had not hired anything. In addition, a lower dosage is attained. Discovery is in line with what has been highlighted in previous studies. Nevertheless, before you start taking regular aspirin in pregnancy, it is best to wait for other studies. During pregnancy it is advisable for the mother to monitor her health and that of the baby: a healthy diet and regular medical checkups are recommended. Prenatal screening tests such as fetal DNA test detect chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.


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