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Aurora magazine

Is there a connection between cardiac problems and pregnancy?

Is there a link between the number of pregnancies and the increased risk of heart problems? If you have wondered and researchers Jorge A. Wong McMaster University and Christine M. Albert of Brigham and Women's Hospital. According to the study, cross a large number of pregnancies could increase the risk of incurring cases of atrial fibrillation later in life. Atrial fibrillation is an anomaly in the heartbeat that can cause blood clots, strokes, heart attacks and other cardiac complications.

The researchers analyzed data from more than 34,600 participants in the Women's Health Study. The women had an average age of 53 years and an average of two pregnancies behind. At the beginning of the study they were all healthy. Scientists have completed their annual questionnaires and have seen for about 20 years. In that time there were about 1,500 cases of atrial fibrillation. Many of these phenomena have affected women more of the 2 medium pregnancies behind. The participants with 4 or 5 pregnancies have had an atrial fibrillation rate about 50% higher than women who had never been pregnant.

The connection between multiple pregnancies and heart problems may be caused by hormonal changes, physical and psychological affecting mothers. The purpose of the study is not to discourage multiple pregnancies, but make them safer and healthier for mothers and children. Understanding the way in which 4 or 5 pregnancies affect the heart may help prevent these problems, so that the mothers can live to adulthood with more serenity.
A separate study has moved on a similar trail. A team led by Lauren Tanz Harvard and Janet W. Rich-Edwards of Brigham and Women's Hospital has focused on the effects of preterm birth. The researchers analyzed data from more than

70,000 women who had given birth before 37 weeks of gestation had a 40% higher chance of having cardiovascular problems. The risk increased to 100% higher in women who had given birth before week 32.
Both studies shed new light on the long-term one or more pregnancies. For the moment we know little or nothing of what are the possible complications in the years to come. But the research could help a lot of research on cardiovascular disease in women. Pregnancy is an important time in which the mother has to take care of his health and that of the unborn future. In this sense, the pregnant woman can undergo several examinations of prenatal screening useful for detecting chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.
