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Aurora magazine

Malignant glioma brain tumors: symptoms and types

Malignant brain gliomas account for 40% of cases of brain tumors. They are common, especially among older adults and affects glial cells. These cells support the central nervous system and produce myelin, the coating of the nerves.

The tumor grows in both diffusive manner along the fiber bundles, both in proliferative manner. In the latter case, the glioma form of the masses who make pressure on the brain. This causes seizures, motor and cognitive deficits difficulties. The changes that disappear sometimes completely with taking anti-edemigeni drugs such as cortisone. It is, however, a purely symptomatic treatment. Surgery is currently the best way to control the spread of the tumor.

In 60% of cases, gliomas occur with seizures or difficulty concentrating and memory. It then proceeds with a brain CT scan and an MRI, which show the masses surrounded by edema. In the case where the diagnosis is in doubt, it proceeds with a total body CT scan with contrast fluid. This will exclude other types of metastatic cancer.

For now, the treatment includes combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. It removes the tumor and reduces the pressure on the brain, thereby improving symptoms. In this way the patient is able to maintain at least part of its functional integrity. Current treatments, however, suffer from the lack of knowledge that you have cancer. It is known that gliomas grow from mutated stem cells, which multiply in an uncontrolled manner and form the tumor mass. It is unclear why this phenomenon.