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  • What is AURORA

    Aurora is a next-generation noninvasive prenatal test. AURORA is safe, reliable, quick
    and early

  • Safe

    Thanks to an easy maternal blood drawn, you avoid miscarriage risks associated to invasive methods such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling

  • Reliable

    Sensitivity higher than 99,9% for detecting the trisomy 21, responsible for the Down syndrome

  • Early and quick

    icona svegliaThe early detection of chromosome abnormalities is foundamental:
    you can undergo AURORA from the 10th week of pregnancy

    icona documentoThe test is quick: results are available in 5-7 working days. AURORA has the lower percentage of null test of the market: 0,1%

  • Mother's serenity in three simple steps







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Latest news from the world of genetics

Best IVF with sperm tracking

Tracing sperm tail movements could improve male fertility tests and, consequently, the effectiveness of IVF. The technique was developed by researchers at the University of Birmingham and measures both the speed and the type of tail movements.

According to the researchers, analyzing the sperm's tail allows us to understand when and if they will reach the oocyte. It is therefore one step more than traditional analyzes, which almost always involve the simple sperm count. The new technique uses a combination of high-performance digital imaging, mathematics and fluid dynamics. It is available through a free software called FAST (Flagellar Capture and Sperm Tracking), so other teams can use it.

The hope is that the spread of the technique will allow us to better understand the behavior of the spermatozoa. The mathematical model of the system, developed by Dr. Gemma Cupples, analyzes the amount of energy needed for a sperm to swim to the goal. In particular, it measures tiny forces that are impossible to measure with simple experimentation. A technique that could also be applied to other areas, such as the spread of bacteria.

By measuring the actual energy of the spermatozoa, it is easier to identify any problems and prescribe ad hoc treatments. In some cases, even lifestyle changes may be enough to increase the chances of conceiving. It could therefore be an economic and less stressful alternative to the more classic IVF.


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